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Phone: (870) 898-5320

Address: 596 Highway 317, Ashdown, AR 71822


More Info

General Info
Located in the southeast corner of Arkansas, Millwood Landing sits on one of Arkansas' premier bass lakes. The resort features southern Arkansas' longest 18-hole golf course, a par 72 challenging course woven through the tall and wispy pines. The resort has a great pool complex and 14 lakefront cabins.Located in the southeast corner of Arkansas, Millwood Landing sits on one of Arkansas' premier bass lakes. The resort features southern Arkansas' longest 18-hole golf course, a par 72 challenging course woven through the tall and wispy pines. The resort has a great pool complex and 14 lakefront cabins.
Extra Phones

Fax: (870) 898-5498

TollFree: (877) 238-8318

Phone: (870) 898-6674


Millwood Landing Mgmt

Millwood Landing RV Resort

Millwood Landing Resort

Millwood Landing Golf & RV Resort


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