More Info

General Info
The Germantown Police Department is governed by the city of Germantown in Tennessee. The department offers security services to citizens and businesses. It provides tips to prevent identity theft cases and burglaries. The Germantown Police Department also handles emergency and nonemergency cases. The department accepts requests for community relations-type services from nonprofit organizations, churches, schools and civic groups. It offers a home security vacation check. In addition, the department provides the Eddie Eagle GunSafe program, which serves students in pre-kindergarten through grade six. It additionally offers services for traffic accidents. The Germantown Police Department employs a staff of more than 100 people.
Extra Phones

Fax: (901) 751-7550

Fax: (901) 757-7303

Phone: (901) 754-7222

Phone: (901) 757-7337

Phone: (901) 757-7200

Payment method
check, cash, debit, invoicing available, master card, visa

Germantown General Information

Germantown Police Department



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Phone: (901) 757-7338

Address: 1930 S Germantown Rd, Germantown, TN 38138


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