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General Info
From inspiring craft and party supplies to everyday essentials and beyond, Dollar Tree at Kennett, MO is your go-to for all things affordable! You can explore thousands of thrilling finds for every season and occasion, including household staples, health and beauty, cleaning supplies, party essentials, food and drinks, toys, seasonal dƩcor, and much more. Whether you're stocking up on budget-friendly basics or discovering new hidden gems, Dollar Tree provides value and convenience with every purchase. With thousands of locations nationwide, we're committed to delivering savings and convenience for every shopper, every day. Visit Dollar Tree at Kennett, MO today for unbeatable value!
Art & Craft Supplies Automotive & Hardware Baby care Candy Cleaning Supplies Electronics & Tech Accessories Food & Beverage Health & Beauty Home Decor & Household Essentials Party Supplies Pet Supplies School Supplies Seasonal & Holiday items Snacks Stationary & Office Supplies Toys & Games
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master card, visa, amex, cash
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Phone: (573) 559-0600

Address: 1730 1st St, Kennett, MO 63857


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