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We plan your event from conception to completion with perfection!

General Info
Let Polished Affairs help you and your family create the moment in which you have been waiting for. You should not worry about details of the most important day of your life. Allow our staff to ensure that all of the vendors are professional, courteous, and friendly. We want your special event to be filled with joy and happiness. Your family deserves to be available for photos and special moments to spend with you. Polished Affairs will gladly plan and coordinate every detail for your special event. Our company takes pride in knowing we take the pressure off of Dad for example while he is waiting for the vendor to finish so that he may remit payment he could be sharing a special dance with his wife or daughter. When Polished Affairs does your event your family is doing what is important and that is enjoying the moment and creating memories.
Brand Complete
Payment method
debit, check, paypal, all major credit cards
By Appointment only.
Corporate Events, Socials, Tradeshows, Design Management, Partys, and Decor





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Phone: (404) 759-1244

Address: Post Office Box 1491, Lawrenceville, GA 30046

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