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Phone: (501) 372-7866

Address: 310 Main St, Little Rock, AR 72201


More Info

General Info
Bruno s Little Italy, founded in 1903, is a family restaurant serving Italian cuisine. Menu offered by the restaurant includes insalata miscolanza, grilled chicken Caesar salad, mushroom butter crisp, miniature fried beef calzone, cannelloni stufato, vegatable manicotti, fettuccini Alfredo, linguini clam sauce, veal cutlet ala parmigiano, saltimbocca ala nanninella and chicken marsala. It also offers a variety of seafood, including seafood fettuccini, shrimp marinara, cream scallops with mushrooms, shrimp garlic butter and shrimp zucchini pomodoro ala londa. The restaurant serves a wide selection of wines, including Frascati, pinot grigio, Soave, Orvieto, Chardonnay, white zinfandel, lambrusco and Chianti. Bruno s Little Italy is located in Little Rock, Ariz.
Extra Phones

Phone: (501) 353-0750

Payment method
amex, discover, master card, visa

Bruno's Little Italy, Inc.


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