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General Info
Aging Commission of the Mid-South is an organization serving senior citizens and persons with disabilities in the city of Memphis, and Shelby, Fayette, Lauderdale and Tipton counties of Tennessee. It provides advocacy, leadership, planning, coordination, information sharing, funding of services, home and community-based services, elder abuse prevention strategies, and health promotion activities. The organization provides adult day care services to people suffering from Alzheimer s disease and related disorders, including social and recreational activities, medication assistance and personal care services. Its homemaker services include assistance with housekeeping chores, laundry, personal care and shopping. The agency also offers legal advice and counseling, and provides congregate and home-delivered meals to seniors above 60-years. It offers conservatorship services directly for disabled persons who have no family member or other responsible party who is able to handle their financial, medical and social needs. Aging Commission of the Mid-South is located in Memphis, Tenn.
Extra Phones

Fax: (901) 327-7755

Phone: (901) 452-0340

Commerce Union Bank Bldg
Depot Planning District

Shelby County Aging Department



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Phone: (901) 222-4237

Address: 2670 Union Avenue Ext, Memphis, TN 38112


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