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General Info
Founded in 2008, SRG Global, formerly known as Siegel-Robert Automotive, is a privately held company that is one of the largest manufacturers of chrome-plated plastic parts for the automotive industry in North America. It operates more than 10 manufacturing facilities throughout North America, Europe and Asia. The company s products include license plate garnishes, spoilers, emblems, wheel lips, claddings, and door belt and window surround moldings. SRG Global is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guardian Industries, which is one of the leading producers of glass, automotive and building products in the world that maintains operations in more than 25 countries throughout five continents.
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Fax: (573) 379-5677

Payment method
visa, check, discover, mastercard, all major credit cards, amex


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Phone: (573) 379-3857

Address: 101 Meatte Ave, Portageville, MO 63873


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