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It may take going to several different mechanics before you find one you with whom you are truly comfortable. Find out what approach they will take to repair your car or what alternatives are available. Shopping around also gives you the best opportunity to find the cheapest rate or the fastest service, as some garages might be backed up with other vehicles that need repair first. Online sites offer honest opinions from real customers who have used a business....Read More
Getting recommendations from friends and neighbors is one good way to find a reliable mechanic. My favorite dealership for years was Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified. They featured a waiting area where you could watch the mechanics work. The repair shop was spotless....Read More
I asked friends and neighbors for recommendations. I went to the local parts stores and asked who they use when they need a mechanic. I checked online for references and websites. I made the right choice based on my research....Read More
try services like yelp and look them up on google maps customer reviews mean everything its like asking a family the size of your community. As fare as getting along or liking them that should be the least of your concern worry about cost quality and care of your vehicle watch out for repairs that don't really need done or are done but not.
You can't. There is no such thing. What you should be asking is how can I find a mechanic that won't screw me as bad as all the others. A good mechanic is trained to fleece each customer without them knowing it. Utsav considered good practice. Your welcome.