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General Info
Goodyear Elementary School provides educational and enrichment programs to students in grades kindergarten through five. The school offers h after school program that include homework assistance, free play and board games. Goodyear Elementary School s academic curriculum includes classes in art, health, computers, math, English and social studies. The school has an advisory council and parent teacher association. It also offers classes in history, physical education, behavioral science and language arts. Goodyear Elementary School provides guidance and food services to students. Its athletic department offers a range of activities that include softball, baseball, cross country, and track and field. Goodyear Elementary School is Polk School District and is located in Rockmart, Ga.
Extra Phones

Fax: (770) 684-9612

Phone: (770) 684-5193


Van Wert Elementary School



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Phone: (770) 684-6924

Address: 370 Atlanta Hwy, Rockmart, GA 30153


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